Saturday, November 10, 2012

Little Baby things to... Bigger Boy things.

Paysen is growing so fast that we are having to start to pack up his little baby things and replace them with older things. It makes this momma kinda sad but its so fun to watch him at this age learn new things and really see his personality come out. We took down his swing and bought him a saucer!! He is in heaven he loves all the toys around him and the first day getting it he could play with all of them and knew what to do with each thing. I was surprised! He also can spin himself around :) Fun to watch him in it. We also got a high chair for him on the same day ( he's a tad spoiled ) He loves to sit in it and pound on his tray and have toys up there. It is so nice to cook dinner and him up high so we can play in between things etc.

 Big Boy in his new high chair

Saucer time.. He figured out real quick what this was for:)

 Happy Happy

( New post below )

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