Play date with Teagan!!
These two are so silly!! They are good friends, Paysen loves being with Teagan
This sweet boy is growing up so fast!! I feel as though he looks really tall in these pictures
We have been missing our cousins in NYC!!! We cant wait until they are only five hours away from us!!
July get here soon :)
Play park fun!! Paysen was so proud of himself that he climbed up here all on his own.. Look at that smile :) He has been trying for a little while and finally did it!! If you want my opinion this is the best age!! :) I think I say that all the time!!
Momma's new cleaning method of which I am IN LOVE with!! If you know me I love my to do list and Love crossing things off each day and feel so warm and fuzzy afterward. I now get the same feeling with my cleaning method. I have my six things that I have to do daily.. and then my few deep cleaning items for each day of the week.. ex: Mondays my laundry day and change the sheets day and organize all the closets! Plus my six things and I am done!! So easy and I stick to it! I don't scrub my bathrooms till Wed. It makes it so simple and plus having all my laundry done the load seems so much lighter each Monday now!! I feel as though my house is cleaner and I can see out my windows because they actually got washed! My six things include: The dishes, make the beds, wipe counter tops and table, sweep the floors, pick up everything, tidy bedrooms. Anyways thought I would share my new love in life, I feel so underwhelmed with house work now and I am actually getting more things done than when each day I would try to do everything! amazing :)
I forgot to mention our new callings: I am in the Mia Maids which I was so tickled about I love being in Young Womens and I am so glad that I am still in there woot woot!! Alex is the new Scout Master over all the wards here and he also Teaches in Elders Quorum!! I love my Young Women, This Wed. we decorated cakes and learned new things! It was the best!
The cakes after we decorated them!
Library time!! Paysen loves the coloring table
He made this adorable little chick in his class!! We read about spring animals
shopping for books
Our library right now has this amazing Disneyland display right now!! Paysen loves it, I mean to the point that when I say we have to go he gets really sad! But We think its just for us because we are going to Disneyland :) It has been so fun to look at each time we are there
On Friday I had the kids all day and Aunt Cassidee came over to hang out with all of us! Alex had some time in the morning and we asked if we could go change the tires on all of our vehicles, and she said YES!!! I was so happy to have a little morning date with my sweetie! We got popcorn to celebrate for Free even better right :) We went through the car wash and had a great few mins just the two of us! Yes it was perfect in my eyes and what true love is all about.. The little things!! He even got a bag just for me so I ate both of them! I love Les Schwabs popcorn
It was a beautiful spring day and so with the kids we made cookie flowers!! They thought that they were so fun to make!! A great way to celebrate spring! My mom use to make them with us
Last Sunday we spoke in church and so I made some quiet books for Paysen, I liked how they turned out! A Huge SHOUT OUT to the Perry family who let Paysen sit with their family :) He did really good and sat there the whole time! Love you guys!
Paysen is really into sorting everything and anything!! His favorite lately have been my measuring cups :) He is so particular of where each item goes. I think he gets his little ocd from him momma! The other day I opened my bathroom cubbord up and there were all of my spices perfectly placed and all lined up with the biggest in the back to the smallest in the front. :) It was a proud moment for me lol
another quiet book that I made for the sacrament. I love this one.. Thanks to pinterest
I love how this one is set up it goes through everything from church to baptism to priesthood missions etc.
We walked to the park ( which is really close to us ) and had a picnic and played/ Mason and I beat Alex by one point in bball such a fun sunny day
I also read in the sun!!
I love to see the Temple
I love being in the temple
Paysens new reading spot in the bathroom while mom gets ready
Breakfast date with daddy
Mcdaonalds play date